One of a few sites I have recently stumbled upon that has peaked my interest and curiosity is This site doesn't really fit into any of the categories of websites listed in our chapters, but I guess essentially it is just a "fun website" since it is not actually selling anything and just provides an interactive/fun experience for users.’s concept is simple and defined in their tagline, Get an Opinion | Give an Opinion. The website offers two different experiences: you either act as a “Reviewer” and use the site to help others out with their look or you post your own photos of yourself (with the option to blur out your face) to get opinions from others about your possible outfit options, if you should buy the red shirt or the white shirt, if you should wear heels or flats on a date etc.
The ridiculously simple and creative way this site addresses a need that the public has faced for a long time (and put it online) impressed me. You can literally be in the changing room at the mall, wondering if you should buy that fabulous (or so you think?) outfit you have on, but your friends bailed on you for the shopping trip and now WHO will tell you what they think? Well you take out your smart phone, snap a pic in the mirror, post it to (or use your trusty gotryiton app if you have it) and all you have to do is wait a few minutes before at least a couple people will instantly give you feedback. Problem solved! You now have those much needed opinions and won’t walk out of the store regretting not buying that outfit, or WORSE, looking like a drag queen in a clown suit in your new outfit because no one helped you out with their thoughts!
I like it because:
- It’s so simple and easy to use and offers a service that has been much needed for years
- It’s instant feedback
- You are able to both GET an opinion and GIVE an opinion as well
- It’s actually a useful and functional website that can be used in your daily life (e.g. what should I wear to go out tonight? Is this appropriate to wear to work? Should I buy the dress or the skirt? Does my hair look better blonde or brown?)
- Open and honest environment where no feelings can be hurt face to face because you are an anonymous part of the online community
- Beautifully designed and visually capitivating
- Fun to use and even just to explore
- Don’t need to be a “member” of the Go Try It On community to be able to give an opinion
There isn’t much I would change to be honest! The website itself is laid out in a functional, fun and easy-to use format with convenient and accessible buttons and links, and not too many things that overwhelm. One small hiccup I think could be fixed would be that they need a little bit more of an explanation on the homepage as to the entire purpose of the site. The founder uses a lot of emotion and personality in some of her statements on other pages, but they are missing that fun conversational homepage blurb that properly explains the website. The only other thing I would change regarding the site and service in general, would be that they should advertise more. I only stumbled upon it through a co-worker’s suggestion otherwise I probably wouldn’t have heard of it. They need to promote it more because I know for a fact many people would become users of this site if they were aware!
I recall seeing this website somewhere in a magazine, I can't recall which but they saying good things about. You brought this back to my list of sites to check out. Its interesting to see that people would trust complete strangers about how they look or dress however. I strongly believe in being yourself and not caring what other people think, I have already passed this along to my son who recently got teased at school for his choice of clothing and he is only 5!
I am so glad I read your post because I never new such a thing existed and I instantly told my friends about it.
Who ever thought of this is a genius! It simple and easy to use and addresses an unmet need that woman have faced for years.
Great blog layout as well, I very much enjoyed reading your blog posts.
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